Monday, 24 September 2012

A good read

I've been a bit quiet recently, but I have been busy, however I'm a silly billy because I forgot to take any pics. Ooops!
So instead I'm going to tell you about the books I've been reading recently.
This book is fantastic and I found it by accident, on one of my random Amazon searches I put in steampunk books and this popped up.
The general gist of the story is Queen Victoria is still on the throne, although she is a vampire! All aristocrats are either vamps or werewolves, halvies (aristo father, human mother), act as bodyguards and humans are nothing more than vermin. You'll recognise some of the characters and a few mode cons (although they have different names)
Well worth a read and there's nothing quite like a kick ass vamp in a bustle.

 Yes there's a theme to my current reading. This is Henry VIII: Wolfman and I bet you'll never guess what it's about. Oh OK so good old Henry's got himself turned. This is a twisted tale of women, wolves and why the Church of England came into being.
